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NIKKE Maid Café 2

The NIKKE Maid Café 2 is a 2024 themed café collaboration in the Philippines to celebrate the second anniversary of Goddess of Victory: Nikke. The two-day event was held on November 16 (Saturday) and November 24 (Sunday), 2024, at the Benny Coffee and Brunch Katipunan in Quezon City, Metro Manila, Philippines.

It was preceded by the first NIKKE Maid Café in 2023.


The NIKKE Maid Café 2 event was originally scheduled to be held on the weekend of November 16 and 17, 2024. However, the second-day event was postponed[1] to the following Sunday, November 24, due to Super Typhoon Man-Yi (local name Pepito) arriving in the Philippines.


  1. Goddess of Victory: NIKKE Philippines Facebook post. November 17, 2024 at 12:34 AM (PHT). NIKKE Philippine team. Facebook. Retrieved on 2024-11-17.

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