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Mocha Uson

Esther Margaux Justiniano Uson, also known as Mocha Uson, is a Filipina dancer and model. In 2010, she became the game ambassador for the Philippine server of the live service FPS CrossFire.

CrossFire ambassador

On May 2016, CrossFire Philippine's publisher GBPlay Inc., the operator of Gameclub, announced that Mocha Uson would become a brand ambassador for the game. The partnership also included Uson's group "Mocha Girls" to join in events and other marketing activities.[1] Rene Parada, then-product manager of Gameclub, stated that they chose Uson for her "fiery, competitive nature and fun, playful personality".[2]

A Philippine server-exclusive in-game avatar named "Mocha" was created in the image and likeness of Uson.


  1. Mocha Girls' Mocha Uson becomes face & Ambassador of CROSSFIRE Philippines. May 18, 2016. author. Retrieved on 2023-04-06.
  2. Mocha Uson to become a character in online game CrossFire. October 14, 2016 at 5:11PM. Jessica Bartolome. GMA News under SciTech. Retrieved on 2023-04-06.

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