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Mocha Uson to become a character in online game CrossFire

Written by: Jessica Bartolome
Publication: GMA News under SciTech
Date published: October 14, 2016 at 5:11PM

Mocha Uson to become a character in online game CrossFire

Mocha Uson is taking her fierceness from social media to another dimension: inside the virtual world of top-grossing online game CrossFire.

Game Club, the company that manages CrossFire, announced on Friday that they will be creating an in-game character modeled after the singer-dancer.

Uson will be the first Filipina to have a character modeled after her in the game. The character will be released in 2017.

Boxing icon and senator Manny Pacquiao had been the first Filipino character to be introduced in the game.

Rene Parada, the product manager of Game Club said that they wanted to tap into Uson's competitive and playful personality.

"We wanted to have a face, the best fit to describe CrossFire. That's why we picked Mocha, for the fiery, competitive nature and fun, playful personality," said Parada in a press conference.

"We want that kind of personality. It's related to the genre of the game, but at the same time it oozes the personality [of Mocha]," he added.

For her part, Uson said she was not very exposed to the world of gaming, but becoming an in-game character was still a dream come true.

"Dream come true para sa akin, kasi ever since gusto ko maging action character," she said.

But Uson's partnership with Game Club will not be limited to her game character.

Uson will also be the new face of CrossFire, and represent the game as an ambassador. The Mocha Girls will also be working with the brand.

CrossFire, a multiplayer first-person shooter game, will be holding an international competition in Manila from October 14 to 16. —JST, GMA News

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