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JBlaze Cup 2011 Road to Korea 2011

JBlaze Cup 2011 Road to Korea 2011 was a Philippine nationwide tournament for the live service FPS WarRock, a game published under Amped. The finals were held on October 15, 2011, at the Villman Computers branch in SM North Edsa's Annex Cyberzone in Quezon City, Metro Manila. The tournament served as a qualifier for the Philippine representative for the WarRock World Championship 2011 in Busan, South Korea.

Team "Most Wanted 1" from NCR region won the championship.


JBlaze Cup is the annual tournament for WarRock Philippines under Amped. It was named after WarRock's Product Head and Game Master, GM Johnny Blaze (Antonio Nadal).

The 2011 tournament was a qualifier to select the Philippine representative for the upcoming WarRock World Championship 2011, which was scheduled on November 13, 2011, at the Game and Game World Championship (GNGWC) 2011 festival in Busan, South Korea.


"Most Wanted 1" from NCR was the grand champion of the tournament. The team was awarded an all-expense paid trip to South Korea and an entry slot to the GNGWC 2011.

"Most Wanted 1" is composed of Oscar Hill, Wrencris Cañizares, June Agranzamendez, and Jerrald Sonza.[1]



  1. ‘Warrock Philippine Team’ Set to Compete in South Korea. October 19, 2011. cd. Starmometer. Retrieved on 2025-01-09.

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