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Grand Chase World Championship 2009

Grand Chase World Championship 2009, also known as GCW 2009, was an international tournament for the live-service action game Grand Chase. The event was held in Daegu, South Korea on December 29, 2009. Seven countries with three players each participated in the event, for a total of twenty-one players.

Team Philippines participated with the help of that game's local publisher, Level Up!. The team placed second in the three-versus-three category of the tournament.

The event was followed by the Grand Chase World Championship 2010, however, the Philippines did not participate.


  • Philippines
  • Brazil
  • Hong Kong
  • Korea
  • Taiwan
  • Thailand
  • USA


The event was separated into two categories, a 3v3 Team Match and a 1v1 Survival Match. It was a best-of-3 elimination tournament.


  • Champion: Korea
  • Runner-up: Hong Kong
  • 2nd runner-up: Brazil


  • Champion: Korea
  • Runner-up: Philippines
  • 2nd runner-up: Brazil


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