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FreeStyle All-Stars 2006

The FreeStyle All-Stars 2006 was a Philippine nationwide tournament for the live service multiplayer basketball game FreeStyle Street Basketball. The tournament was organized by the game's Philippine publisher, Level Up! Inc. Its grand finals were held during the Level Up! Live 2006 event dated September 30 and October 1, 2006, at the World Trade Center in the City of Pasay.


The tournament participants are comprised of FreeStyle's top-ranked players, and the winners of open qualifiers that were held at Level Up!'s partner internet café throughout the country.[1] The grand finals were held during the Level Up! Live 2006 event.

The event had a prize of ₱50,000 in cash and items for the champion, and ₱25,000 in cash and items for the runner-up.[2]


The following were the winners of the tournament:[2][3][note 1]

  • Champion: Hellbringer
  • Runner-Up: NK1

Hellbringer, from Central Luzon, was represented by the following:

  • Vincent Alivia
  • Marlon Payongayong
  • Antonio Topacio

NK1, from Visayas, was represented by the following:

  • Dominique Villadolid
  • Eljay Gangoso
  • Joseph Galapino


  1. This needs confirmation. A Hackenslash report listed NK1 as champion, while the official Level Up! Live 2006 Hall of Champions page listed Hellbringer as the 1st runner-up.


  1. LEVEL-UP! LIVE: A RevoLUtion in gaming (via da-ma journal post in DeviantArt). September 2, 2006. da-ma (reposter). DeviantArt. Retrieved on 2024-02-18.
  2. Hall of Champions – LU! Live 2006 : Level Up! Live. Circa 2012. Level Up! Live minisite author. Level Up! Live minisite. Retrieved on 2023-10-10.
  3. Gaming champs reap glory in Level Up! Live 2006. Circa 2006. Alexander Villafania. Hackenslash. Retrieved on 2024-05-24.

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