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LEVEL-UP! LIVE: A RevoLUtion in gaming (via da-ma journal post in DeviantArt)

Written by: da-ma (reposter)
Publication: DeviantArt
Date published: September 2, 2006

[Reference note: This is an excerpt from the original post, since it contain several text not related to video games.]
[Reference note: The CSS background for this reference was modified to black before screencap to make it readable since the archived DeviantArt journal used light background on light font.]

dA-Ma Updates!! :D


September 30-October 1
LEVEL-UP! LIVE: A RevoLUtion in gaming

This year's BIGGEST online gaming event will signal the revoLUtion of gaming in the country!

Level-Up! LIVE aims to bring the gaming community under one roof to collectively share their passion and prowess for games such Ragnarok, ROSE, RF Online and Freestyle. LIVE is the epitome of online gaming as we know it today.

LU LIVE will also be the official tournament avenue where the greatest LU gamers compete for over 1.5 MILLION pesos in cash and prizes. The grand event will be on September 30 to October 1, 2006 at the World Trade Center, Roxas Blvd, Manila. Mark your calendars!

To begin the epic battles, the official website of LIVE is now online and will be the official source for information, tournament rules, schedules, prizes and other interactive content.

From March to September, guilds, clans and teams from the 4 games will duke it out in each of the grueling tournament qualifiers, playoffs and semi-finals. Here's an overview of the tournament rules for each game:

RAGNAROK: RPC 2006 Brotherhood of Legends

This year, RPC 2006 continues the annual tradition. Guilds in Ragnarok Online will take one of two roads to the Grand Finals. The first path, "Agit Lords", will be an online competition where the best guilds score points through acquisition of guild castles (called "Agits" inside the game). During weekly War of the Emperium siege modes, the guilds that successfully capture and/or defend their Agits will score points. At the end of the season, the top guilds per server (pRO has 8) will compete with the Wild Card finalists to determine the Server Champions.

The second road to the RPC finals is the Wild Card. In the Wild Card portion of RPC 2006, players can vote for their favorite server guilds online using their top-up game cards. The top guilds at the end of the voting period will then go head-to-head against the Agit Lords for the right to be crowned the server champion.

The eight server champions (from Chaos, Odin, Loki, Iris, Fenrir, Sarah, Urdr and Lydia) will then qualify for Grand Finals at the World Trade Center.


King of the Lion's Den Extreme is a PVP tournament event to be held at the LU LIVE Grand Finals. A total of 8 teams, 5 from King of the Lion's Den and 3 from ROSE Royal court, will battle it out to determine the ultimate King of the Lion's Den Extreme 2006.

The Lion's Den will be held from December 2005 to July 2006. There will be four (4) tournament seasons for Lion's Den.

Each season, 4 clans from each server will battle to determine a champion: 1 for Polaris and 1 for Sirius. Then the server champs will meet in Tala server for a big battle to determine the season's King of the Lion's Den. There will be One (1) Clan winner every season. These clans then compete with the 3 winners of the Royal Court (an online voting contest similar to the RO Wild Card) at the Finals.


RF Guilds must form Elite Squads of 8 members each. Each Elite Squad must pass the tough criteria for eligibility. Team Captains must submit their Squads to tournament officials for verification. Slots will be on a FIRST-COME-FIRST-SERVED basis. There will be four (4) Season Qualifiers throughout NEST.

After the culmination of the server season qualifiers, 4 Squads each from Accretia, Cora and Bellato will advance to the playoffs for their servers (Altrax and Nexus). At the end of the Playoff period, Racial Server Representatives (1 Squad each per race for each server) will have been chosen through bloody combat and will advance to the Inter-Server Finals and eventually to the Grand Finals at the WTC.


The "Hip-Hoop" gaming community will dribble and dunk their way to the first-ever online basketball tournament. Dubbed Freestyle All-Stars 2006, this competition will feature the best ranked players – the All-Stars. But for those who aren't ranked, fret not! The tournament also has an "Open" division where teams can go to official qualifiers at partner cafes all throughout the country. For more info, just point yo' browsers to the live website.

Again, the URL is

Pass the word, gamers! LU LIVE is an event you WOULDN'T want to miss!

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