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Exteel was a live service third-person shooter developed by South Korean developer NCSoft Corporation. It was published in 2009 by iAM Interactive in the Philippines, Singapore, and Malaysia.

The game is no longer available.


Exteel was one of two new games, the other GoGo Racer, that was published by iAM Interactive in 2009.[1]

The game's closed beta began on March 31, 2009, with a launch promotion during the Ozinefest 2009 convention on April 3, 4, and 5.[2] Its open beta phase began on May 19, 2009.[3] The game was launched commercially on June 3, 2009.[4]

On December 22, 2009, iAM Interactive announced that its contract with NCSoft had been terminated, effectively ending Exteel in the SEA region.[5]


  1. iAM Interactive launches two new online games. July 9, 2009. Business Mirror. ABS-CBN News. Retrieved on 2023-12-01.
  2. EXTEEL FREE TO PLAY GAME LAUNCHING AT OZINE FEST. April 4, 2009. oliverv. Internet Cafe Philippines forum (formerly Unified Lanshop Owners of the Philippines forum). Retrieved on 2023-12-02.
  3. Mission: Exteel OBT May 19, 2009. May 19, 2009. Exteel SEA team. Exteel SEA website. Retrieved on 2023-12-02.
  4. Exteel SEA commercial period is near!. May 29, 2009. Exteel SEA team. Exteel SEA website. Retrieved on 2023-12-02.
  5. iAM Interactive website on December 2009. December 2009. iAM Interactive management. iAM Interactive website. Retrieved on 2023-12-02.

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