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We Are The Stars

We Are The Stars is a Japanese song created as the opening theme song for the 2004 anime Ragnarok the Animation. A Filipino version was produced during the same year by record label Star Records (now Star Music) and was performed by the teen celebrity team Star Circle Fab 5.

The localized version of the anime first aired on the ABS-CBN channel, had its opening song replaced with the Filipino version.


Filipino song

The localized song was performed by the five finalists of the first season (2004) of Star Circle Quest, a then-popular reality TV show that aired on ABS-CBN. The five finalists were known as the "Magic Circle of 5" or the "Fab 5".

The Fab 5 was comprised of the following teen celebrities: Hero Angeles, Roxanne Guinoo, Joross Gamboa, Melissa Ricks from the Philippines, and Sandara Park from South Korea.

Music video

The music video for the localized song was directed by Raffy Francisco. It shows the Fab 5 cosplaying as different Ragnarok Online classes. Hero Angeles cosplays as a Swordsman, Sandara Park as a Hunter, and Roxanne Guinoo as a Crusader. Both Melissa Ricks and Joross Gamboa cosplay as Acolytes.

Single release

A physical single for the localized version of We Are The Stars was produced under Star Records. The CD contained both the song and the music video.


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