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Ragnarok Stars 2023

Ragnarok Stars 2023 was an international tournament for the MMORPG Ragnarok Online. The playoffs were held at the main atrium of Gandaria City Mall in Jakarta, Indonesia. The participants included teams from Ragnarok Online servers published by various subsidiaries of the game's developer, GRAVITY. A Philippine team, Last Nightmare, represented Gravity Game Hub.

Gravity Interactive Inc., the operator of the Warp Portal brand and the publisher of the International Ragnarok Online (iRO), is not a participant in the tournament.


The following are the guilds that won the qualifiers to represent their respective Gravity publisher. Gravity Game Hub had two slots available in the tournament.

Prize pool and winners

The tournament had a total prize pool of US$50,000. All participants also received an ROS2023 in-game costume.

  • Champion: Destraction (US$25,000)
  • 1st runner-up: Enthusiasm Gallant (US$15,000)
  • 2nd runner-up: Milk (US$10,000)

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