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Ragnarok Online GGH

Ragnarok Online GGH is an official Ragnarok Online server published for the Philippines, Malaysia, and Singapore regions by Singaporean publisher Gravity Game Hub (GGH) Pte. Ltd. since 2022. GGH is a subsidiary of the game's South Korean developer, GRAVITY Co., Ltd.


On November 28, 2021, the previous official Ragnarok Online server for the region, RO MSP, was unexpectedly shut down. On February 23, 2022, Gravity Game Hub (GGH), a new Singaporean subsidiary of GRAVITY that was established in 2021, launched its own Ragnarok Online server. Originally named Ragnarok Online Ascendance,[1] the GGH server services the same PH-MY-SG region previously handled by RO MSP.


Ragnarok Online GGH represented the PH-MY-SG region in Ragnarok Stars 2023 and 2024.


  1. GRAVITY GAME HUB ANNOUNCES THE OFFICIAL LAUNCH OF RAGNAROK ONLINE ASCENDANCE. February 23, 2022. Gravity Game Hub. PR Newswire APAC. Retrieved on 2023-08-02.

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