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Ragnarok Online's Port Malaya

Ragnarok Online's Port Malaya Update is a major update in the game which introduces Philippine-themed maps, items, and monsters.


The Port Malaya update is the Philippine update for GRAVITY's Global Project, a series of localization projects for Ragnarok Online that brought new cities, locations, and items based on real countries with licensed Ragnarok Online servers.

The update opens up the town of Port Malaya and its surrounding areas. Unique in those areas include the Jeepney warp transport system, monsters based on Philippine folklore, and special locations based on real areas in the Philippines.

On the Philippine server under Level Up!, the update is known as "Episode 25: Port Malaya". It was released on the "Sakray" test server on March 1, 2012,[1] and was released to the commercial servers on May 9, 2012.

As of June 2024, Port Malaya has not appeared in any Ragnarok Online sequels or spin-off games.



  1. Philippine Ragnarok Online Facebook post on February 28, 2012. February 28, 2012 at 5:36 AM. GM Aeon. Philippine Ragnarok Online Facebook page. Retrieved on 2024-06-11.

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