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Pugo (English translation: "Quail") is a Flappy Bird clone created by married Filipino art directors Patrick and Camy Cabral for the iOS platform. It was, at one time, the top free game in the Philippines for the iOS. The game was released to the iTunes App Store on February 26, 2014.

Product description

"Meet Pugo, a small pink quail who wants to explore the forest, while dodging obstacles that come upon its way. Can you be its best navigator?"


The game plays similarly to Flappy Bird. As an additional mechanic, players can pass through randomly-generated Philippine flags to gain a life, up to 3 lives stored.


Background - Flappy Bird

Flappy Bird is a 2013 casual mobile game created by Vietnamese developer Dong Nguyen. It became a sleeper hit in early 2014, after famous YouTube content creator "PewDiePie" posted a video playing the game on January 28, 2014. On February 8, Nguyen unexpectedly removed the game from the App Store.

After the success of the game, many Flappy Bird clones were uploaded to the iOS and Android App Stores.

The game

Pugo was released on February 26, 2014 during the height of the Flappy Bird popularity. The game reached the top spot in the "Free" category of the Philippine iOS App Store on February 28, 2014 before eventually falling off several days later.

The game received extensive local media coverage after it was mistakenly claimed that the game was number 1 worldwide in the "Free" category[1] (both the iOS and Android App Store rankings are based on per-country basis).

An Android port was announced but was never released. On April 24, 2017, the Pugo Facebook page updated its community and had announced that the developers had given up on creating an Android port. They also stated that they had moved on from the project, claiming that Pugo had achieved its purpose as a Flappy Bird alternative in 2014.[2]



  1. Pinoy Flappy Bird-inspired game Pugo is top pick on AppStore. March 1, 2014 at 5:18 PM. Kim Luces. GMA News - SciTech. Retrieved on 2023-09-14.
  2. Pugo Facebook post on April 24, 2017. April 24, 2017 at 10:55AM PHT. Pugo Facebook page author. Pugo Facebook page. Retrieved on 2023-09-14.

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