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Pugo Facebook post on April 24, 2017

Written by: Pugo Facebook page author
Publication: Pugo Facebook page
Date published: April 24, 2017 at 10:55AM PHT

Good Day. Thank you very much for still following this page even if it is already 2 and a half years since we last peeped.
A lot had happened and so we would like to address the reasons the PUGO page has not been updated:
1. PUGO already had served its purpose - Back in March 2014, we had given Flappy Bird Fans an alternative game that would fill the void when Flappy Bird was pulled out from the Apple App Store then. And we think it had already fulfilled its intended purpose. So, we do not see the need to do anything with it and we do not want to overdo it. Which will bring us to the next point...
2. We have evolved. - And by means of evolved, we learned new skills and tackled new projects. And with new projects and skillsets, it will eventually be used to ensure better quality for future game development projects we may tackle. When will that be, for now we are not sure. But for sure we will dive into it once the opportunity presents itself.
And for the FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions) that we get on this page, here are the answers:
1. Will there be an Android version of PUGO?
- No there won't be an Android version anymore. We had given up on that.
2. Will you still be updating the PUGO game?
- Maybe not. We often talk about how we can just tweak it a bit from time to time to fix the bugs. But the last time we played it, it's still pretty ok.
3. What's the next game for you guys?
- We are working on a unique story that will be turned into a game. It will be based on a personal childhood experience from the creator. So once we get the time (and the people, and the money), we will get down to it and hopefully share with you all soon.
That's just about it. Again, thank you so much for still following this page. If you are still curious about what we have been up to, you can go and check out our instagram pages:
Patrick Cabral - @darkgravity (Papercut art, typography, calligraphy, and illustration)
Camy Francisco Cabral - @origamidreamer (illustration, personal photography, visual storyteller)
Take care and see you around mga ka-pugo!

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