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Philippine Esports Awards 2022

The Philippine Esports Awards 2022 is a government-backed esports awarding ceremony that celebrates the achievements of esports individuals and companies for the year 2022. The ceremony was held on Saturday, March 25, 2023, at the University of the Philippines' National Science Complex Amphitheater in Diliman, Quezon City, Philippines.

The event was co-presented by Smart Communications and Eplayment, Esports News PH, Philippine Esports Organization, Department of Information Communications and Technology (DICT), and the Games and Amusement Board (GAB), and co-presented by CIGNAL TV, San Miguel Corporation, and Mineski Global.

This annual event was followed by the Philippine Esports Awards 2023.

Context in 2022

Blacklist International and Mobile Legends

Blacklist International represented the Philippines under Team SIBOL in the Mobile Legends division of the 31st SEA Games in Hanoi, Vietnam. Blacklist won first place in the event, defeating Team Indonesia 3-1. Blacklist also represented the Philippines in the 14th IESF World Championship, where it placed second after losing to Team Indonesia 0-3.

Team Secret and Valorant

Team Secret won the Valorant Champions Tour (VCT) 2022: Philippines Stage 2 Challengers. This made the team qualify for the VCT APAC Stage 2 Challengers, where it placed 3rd. Team Secret also participated in the Valorant India Invitational where it placed 3rd-4th.


The following are the winners for the year 2022:

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