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Pacifica Online

Pacifica Online is a free-to-play fantasy MMORPG developed by independent Filipino developer Nexus Pixels. It was first released in November 2010 on the Facebook platform. It is the first commercial MMORPG developed by Filipino game developers and is also the longest-running live service game developed by Filipinos.

The game is heavily inspired by Ragnarok Online and features references from Filipino culture.



Pacifica Online was initially built with open-source tools. Blender and GIMP were used for various graphics, Audacity for audio, HaXe for the Flash client, among other technologies.[1] Development of the game started in April 2010 and the game was released in November 2010.


  1. Nexus Pixels credit page. Circa 2011+. Nexus Pixels team. Nexus Pixels website. Retrieved on 2024-03-03.

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