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OZ World: 3D Chat Game

OZ World: 3D Chat Game was a live service social MMORPG that was developed by South Korean developer Oz Intermedia, and was published in the Philippines by Level Up! Inc. on its Level Up! portal. The game is no longer in service in the Philippines.

The game had its soft launch in late 2002 as Level Up!'s first published title and was released commercially on January 25, 2003. It is the first commercial live service game that was published in the Philippines.



OZ World is set in the towns of OZ, where players can interact with other players and buy items to customize their avatars, as well as participate in various in-game activities such as fishing.

OZ World is the first live service game published by Level Up!, which, after an extensive and comprehensive market study, realized that it was better to start with a simpler game before introducing a more complicated and challenging live service title.[1] The game, which primarily targets a female audience, also became popular among male gamers.


"Burnout", a song performed by the Filipino band Sugarfree, was used to promote this game.


  1. Level Up! mad about ‘Oz World’. March 21, 2003. Philippine Star reporter. Retrieved on 2023-02-17.

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