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Neon is a fictional playable Filipina character in the live service tactical FPS Valorant by Riot Games. She is voiced by Filipina voice actress Vanille Velasquez.


Background - Valorant

Valorant is a tactical, hero-based multiplayer FPS developed by Riot Games. The game was released globally on June 2, 2020. It is one of the more popular FPS titles in the Philippines due to its low system requirements.

The story of Valorant is set in an alternate history in the near-future. The game's playable characters, dubbed "Agents", have nationality origins from around the world.


The reveal trailer for Neon, entitled "Spark", was released by Valorant on YouTube on January 6, 2022. She became playable on January 11, 2022, on Valorant's Patch 4.0. Neon is voiced by Filipina voice actress Vanille Velasquez. Neon was co-developed together with Zeri from League of Legends,[1] a character who is also voiced by Velasquez and was released on League of Legends on January 20, 2022.

Filipina-Australian singer Ylona Garcia partnered with Riot Games with the release of "Entertain Me", a song that was used to promote the launch of Neon.[2]


According to Neon's lore, her real name is Tala Nicole Dimaapi Valdez. Riot Games originally claimed that she was from Manila, Philippines. However, in Patch 6.06, a Range e-mail (lore-building flavor text in the practice map "Range") from Neon stated that she was going back home to Taguig.[note 1]


  1. "Manila" was most likely used to refer to Metro Manila and not the City of Manila.


  1. Co-developing Neon & Zeri. January 15, 2022. Erika “RIOT CASHMIIR” Haas. Valorant website. Retrieved on 2023-12-04.
  2. Ylona Garcia partners with Valorant, releases new single. January 5, 2022 at 4:58 PM. ABS-CBN news reporter. ABS-CBN News. Retrieved on 2023-12-04.

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