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Ylona Garcia partners with Valorant, releases new single

Written by: ABS-CBN news reporter
Publication: ABS-CBN News
Date published: January 5, 2022 at 4:58 PM

[Picture: Ylona Garcia picture.]

MANILA -- Ylona Garcia is starting the year strong as she marks her partnership with a popular online game.

The singer has released a new single titled "Entertain Me," which coincides with the launch of Valorant's newest playable character named Neon.

The anthemic synth-pop number about female empowerment is said to complement Neon, described by Valorant as a young agent from Manila "who can outpace the rest of the roster, shocking the competition, and sliding straight into the fight."

The lyric video for "Entertain Me" was posted online on Wednesday, with the music video to be out soon.

"Entertain Me" is released under 88rising and its sister label, Paradise Rising. The song, produced by DNA, was written by Garcia, David Musumeci, and Antonio Egizii.

Watch the lyric video below:

[YouTube video: Ylona Garcia - Entertain Me (Official Lyric Video).]

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