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Mercenary Online

Mercenary Online was a free-to-play live service shooter game developed by Chinese developer Yingpei Games for Microsoft Windows. It was published in the Philippines by Massive Interactive Revolution, Inc. on its Massive Gaming portal from 2012 until 2015.

The game was repackaged and released internationally on Steam in 2014 under the name Zombies Monsters Robots.


Controversy and closure

In March 2015, employees of Massive Interactive Revolution revealed publicly that their salaries were not being paid. It was revealed that the publisher owed Yingpei Games millions of pesos in royalties, and had not been paying Yingpei since August 2014. This meant that the game was no longer receiving official patches, and it had since been operating as a private server.

In late March 2015, it was announced that the game would close down on March 27 at 10 AM, giving little time for players to spend their remaining premium currency.

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