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McDonald's Philippines Sonic the Hedgehog 3 movie Happy Meal promotion (2025)

McDonald's Philippines ran a Happy Meal promotion featuring the movie Sonic the Hedgehog 3 from January 3 until January 31, 2025. The toys feature Sonic character figures that can be inserted in rollable toy containers.


The video game movie Sonic the Hedgehog 3 was first released in the U.S. on December 20, 2024. In the Philippines, the movie was released a month later on January 15, 2025.


McDonald's Philippines originally ran the campaign from January 3 until 17, but it was later extended to January 31. The following 8 toys were released:[1]

  • Sonic Original Roller
  • Sonic Alt Roller
  • Sonic+ (Super Sonic) Alt Roller
  • Knuckles Alt Roller
  • Shadow Alt Roller
  • Shadow+ (Super Shadow) Alt Roller
  • Tails Original Roller
  • Tails Alt Roller

Differences in Philippine promotion

Incomplete set

The McDonald's Sonic the Hedgehog 3 movie set contains 12 toys in total, while the Philippine promotion only released 8. There are six characters: Sonic, Sonic+ (Super Sonic), Knuckles, Shadow, Shadow+ (Super Shadow), and Tails, and each with their "original" and "alt" roller versions for a total of 12 toys.

The Philippine set is missing the following toys:

  • Sonic+ (Super Sonic) Original Roller
  • Knuckles Original Roller
  • Shadow Original Roller
  • Shadow+ (Super Shadow) Original Roller

Other countries like the United States also released 8 toys, although they contained different set combinations than the Philippines. McDonald's in the UAE and South America released the complete 12-toy set.

Other differences

The toy boxes in the Philippines differ from those in other countries, although they still contain QR codes that link to the promotional Sonic the Hedgehog 3 movie browser game on McDonald's Philippines did not have a Sonic the Hedgehog 3 movie Happy Meal cardboard box; instead, it used a generic Happy Meal box.



  1. Happy Meal Sonic 3. Circa January 2025. McDonald's Philippines team. McDonald's Philippines Press Center. Retrieved on 2025-01-03.

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