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McDonald's Philippines

McDonald's Philippines is one of the top fast food franchises in the Philippines. It has distributed multiple SEGA- and Nintendo-related toys with its Happy Meal orders.


Nintendo frequently partners with McDonald's Corporation to promote its various multimedia products. The Philippine branch of McDonald's occasionally partakes in Nintendo's marketing through its Happy Meal kids' meal.

Super Mario 3D World

A campaign featuring toys based on Super Mario 3D World was held on late March 2014. The set included six different Mario figures, one Yoshi figure, and one Princess Peach figure. The set was available until April 2014.

The same promo was run in other countries throughout 2013 and 2014, including Malaysia, Singapore and Indonesia. All Asian countries received the same toy set while other countries had slightly different sets, which include other characters like Luigi, Toad, and Donkey Kong.

Mario Kart 8

A campaign featuring toys based on Mario Kart 8 was held on November 12, 2015. The set included Mario, Luigi, Princess Peach, Bowser, Yoshi, Toad, Donkey Kong, and a "Be Mario" Visor.

The promo was first held in the U.S. in July 2014 to promote the then-recently released Mario Kart 8.

Pokémon 2018 set

A campaign featuring toys from the Pokémon series was held from November 12 until December 7, 2018. The set included Pikachu, Squirtle, Vulpix, Shiny Magikarp, Psyduck, Torchic, Totodile, and Meowth.

The Super Mario Bros. Movie

A campaign featuring toys from the The Super Mario Bros. Movie was held from December 2022 until January 2023. It was held to promote the 2023 video game movie which premiered in the Philippines on April 19, 2023. The set included 2 Mario figures, Luigi, Donkey Kong, Princess Peach, Lumalee, Toad, and Bowser.


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