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Hyper Relay

Hyper Relay was a short-lived multiplayer live service casual game that was published in the Philippines by Level Up!. It is no longer in operation.

It was first unveiled at the Ragnarok Philippine Championship 2005 event and was Level Up!'s first attempt to target casual gamers.


The game was licensed from Singaporean publisher Teckwah Online Pte. Ltd.[1]


Hyper Relay has a collection of 88 fun-filled mini games. For every game, 10 random mini games will be chosen for the players to play in any order. Players have to complete the mission in all the 10 games selected in order to win. Each game lasts for 7 seconds and they are categorized into 5 different sections; speed, judgment, think, control and lastly, luck.

At the end of each game, players will be awarded stars depending on their performance. The player in the round with the most stars gains ply, while other players loses them.


  1. ePLDT buys 60% of Level Up!. February 18, 2006 at 8:50 PM. GMA News author. GMA News. Retrieved on 2023-08-29.

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