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High Noon Revolver

High Noon Revolver is a 2017 2D action shooter developed by Philippine-based developer Mike Studios and was published by Keybol Games.


The game was nominated at the International Mobile Gaming Awards SEA 2016.[1]


During the COVID-19 lockdowns, the game was part of the 2020 Nintendo Spring Sale where the game was discounted 90% off at the North American Nintendo digital store. The game was purchasable for only USD$0.29, or about ₱15. All proceeds from the sale were donated to help buy Personal Protective equipment and N95 masks for COVID-19 respondents and food for families affected by the lockdown.[1]


  1. Keybol Games Facebook post on April 3, 2020 (High Noon Revolver Nintendo Spring Sale). April 4, 2020 at 12:05 AM (PHT). Keybol Games team. Keybol Games Facebook page. Retrieved on 2025-01-22.

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