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HEX: Shards of Fate

HEX: Shards of Fate was a free-to-play digital MMO trading card game developed by American developer Cryptozoic Entertainment. It was originally announced to be distributed in the Philippines under Level Up!, but the plan did not fall through.

The game with its international servers were shut down on December 31, 2020.


On October 24, 2013, shortly after the start of the game's closed alpha, Cryptozoic Entertainment announced that it has partnered with Level Up! to expand the global reach of the game.[1]

However, in 2014, Asiasoft acquired Level Up! Inc. with no mention of the deal with Cryptozoic Entertainment. The game itself was released in the international market in 2016, with no collaboration with Asiasoft.


  1. HEX GOES WORLDWIDE!. October 24, 2013. HEX website author. HEX website. Retrieved on 2023-08-25.

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