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Gunbound is a turn-based live service artillery game developed by South Korean developer Softnyx for Microsoft Windows. It was published by Mobius Games in the Philippines from 2004 until 2007 when the country's local server was shut down. The global server was marketed by Mobius Games from 2007 until 2010.


The Gunbound Philippine Service, also known as GPS, began its open beta on December 1, 2004. It launched commercially on January 24, 2005. A major game update, Gunbound World Champion was released in May 2006. It updated the graphics and the user interface and added new maps and avatars. The "World Champion" update was set to coincide with the Gunbound World Championship 2006.

Gunbound International Server

On June 1, 2007, Mobius migrated GPS to the Gunbound International Service (GIS) and began migrating players to the new service. GPS was shut down on May 31, 2007, in preparation for the merge.[1]

Mobius Games continued to market the GIS server until September 5, 2010, when Mobius Games ceased support for all Softnyx titles including Gunbound.


The game had an international tournament in 2006 called Gunbound World Championship 2006. The playoffs were held in Suwon, South Korea in September 23, 2006. A team from the Philippines participated in the tournament and placed fifth.

Cultural impact

Gunbound's popularity in the Philippines led to the use of the term "SS" as a reference to a character's ultimate ability.


  1. Are you ready for this? -- GPS - GIS Merger, Test your skills against the best in the world. May 29, 2007 at 12:45 PM. Iccaro. Mobius Games forums. Retrieved on 2023-09-23.

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