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GoPets was a live service networking site that allowed players to own and raise their own virtual pets. The global service ran from 2004 until 2009 and was distributed in the Philippines by Mobius Games from 2005 until 2009.


On August 1, 2005, Mobius Games announced that it would begin supporting the global service of GoPets in the Philippines while launching its own local community under[1]

In early October 2009, the main GoPets forums announced that the service would be shutting down on November 7, 2009. This came after it was announced that GoPets was acquired by Zynga, Inc.,[2] and the latter would eventually release the service's successor, Petville.


  1. to launch interactive online community. August 1, 2005. JC John SESE Cuneta. Retrieved on 2025-01-31.
  2. GoPets Closure. Circa October 2009. Mobius Games team. Mobius Games news. Retrieved on 2025-01-22.

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