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Gear Box: Puzzle Party

Gear Box: Puzzle Party is a 2004 mobile casual game developed by Philippine game developer Spoon Interactive Arts as an entry to the Sony Ericsson Game Developers Challenge 2004.


The Sony Ericsson Game Developers Challenge 2004 was a competition aimed at creating the best Java games for the Sony Ericsson K700i camera as well as the Z1010 and Z500. More than 130 games were submitted, and after testing and evaluation, entrees were reduced to 45 titles and were sent for consumer voting.

Consumers were asked to play the games through a web emulator and vote on the games by rating the Look & Feel / Graphics, Ease-of-use / Game-Play, Entertainment factor, and Innovation of the games on a scale from 1-10. Twenty finalists were chosen based on the votes.

A jury consisting of four Sony Ericsson representatives and two experienced review experts from the wireless gaming industry evaluated the finalists and announced the winners on September 3, 2004.[1]

Gear Box: Puzzle Party is one of the three winners for the competition, alongside "ARES II," an advanced weapons action game from Brownbear Mobile Games of Singapore, and "Nano Kid," a colorful graphics-filled platform game from Pocket Panic! of Sweden.

Spoon Interactive Arts was awarded $7,000 cash prize, Java certification paid for by Sony Ericsson through the Java Verified program, and a prominent placement on the Sony Ericsson website's "Fun & Downloads" section.[2]



  1. Sony Ericsson Game Developers Challenge 2004 - in rearview mirror. Circa 2004. Sony Ericsson Developer reporter. Sony Ericsson Developer website. Retrieved on 2023-03-12.
  2. Pinoy team wins Sony Ericsson global game developers’ contest. September 13, 2004. Philippine Star reporter. Retrieved on 2023-03-12.

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