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Brawl Quest becomes the final Big Indie Pitch champion of 2018

Written by: Sophia Aubrey Drake, Developer Evangelist & Big Indie Pitch Manager / Special Features Writer
Date published: November 23rd, 2018 at 10:37 AM

[Image: Brawl Quest logo.]

2018 has been a record breaking year for The Big Indie Pitch, we've hosted 25 pitches across 16 locations with more than 300 indies shoiwcasing their game across both our mobile and new PC Pitches. We also hosted our second ever Big Indie Awards this year at G-STAR, a compeition which saw our GDC winner Triband walk away with 2018's grand prize for their game WHAT THE GOLF?

This wasn't all that happened at G-STAR though, as we returned to South Korea's leading game show for the second year running in order to host our final Big Indie Pitch of the year. A pitch that saw a variety of developers battle it out to be crowned the winner, a title that was ultimately awarded to Phillipino developer ThinkBIT Solutions' Brawl Quest. A mobile-first character collector beat em up.

For those not in the know though, The Big Indie Pitch is a regular event run by the makers of It gives indie developers the chance to pitch their games to industry experts and journalists in a speed-dating-styled format. Teams get the opportunity to get valuable feedback on their games, as well as win great prizes such as promotional packages and, more importantly, the coveted Big Indie Pitch bat.

Of course, Brawl Quest as you already know was the winner, but we always award prizes for the top three. So read on to not only find out more about Brawl Quest, but also our second and third place prize winners too.

1st Place - Brawl Quest by ThinkBIT Solutions

In Brawl Quest players must battle their way through over 50 levels, all whilst collecting a diverse array of unique collectible characters, all of which have their own skills and abilities. Inspired by classic retro arcade style beat-em-ups from days gone by, Phillipino developer ThinkBIT Solutions has taken these classic gameplay mechanics and adapted them for mobile platforms, giving the game addictive touch controls tailored to the mobile experience. All in all, Brawl Quest was a more than worthy winner and is definitely one to watch for those who love a seamless blend of old and new gaming mechanics.

[YouTube video: Brawl Quest Video Trailer v1]

2nd Place - Big Ear by Big Ear Games

Back again and once again taking the prize for second place, Big Ear by the aptly named Big Ear Games, is a title that looks to combine all the love of creating music with a magnitude of different educational aspects in order to teach the universal language of music to all. Within the game, players must place the musical notes in the correct places in order to match the melody and create a range of melodies. What’s more, players can also choose from a range of musical instruments and an array of customisation options, giving the game a very personal feel.

[Image: Image art of Big Ear.]

3rd Place - BattleSky Brigade: TapTap by Battlebrew Productions

Both cute and tactical at the same time, in BattleSky Brigade: TapTap is a 3D idle-clicker game where players must construct their very own floating island. One populated with some of the most adorable characters to grace mobile screens. Featuring more than 200 unlockable characters and buildings, alongside a range of different world, BattleSky Brigade: TapTap gives players a wealth of different development options allowing you to truly create your very own unique living town.

[YouTube video: BattleSky Brigade: TapTap Trailer]

Want to show off your exciting new game? We host Big Indie Pitch events throughout the year, so be sure to keep an eye out on our events page for an event near you.

Upcoming BIPs include:

January 21-22nd 2019 - The Very Big Indie Pitch at Pocket Gamer Connects London 2019
January 21-22nd 2019 - The PC Indie Pitch at PC Connects London 2019
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