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FreeStyle Global Player Arena Tournament

The FreeStyle Global Player Arena Tournament was an international tournament for the live service basketball game FreeStyle Street Basketball. It was held on October 30, 2010 in Shanghai, China. The tournament was organized by the game's developer, JC Entertainment, under its publishing portal GameKiss.


The tournament came months after the Philippine server under Level Up! Inc. was shut down and its players were migrated to the international servers under GameKiss. For the tournament, GameKiss managed both the North American and Philippine teams.

Team "Jorel lugtu" was selected by GameKiss as the Philippine representative.[1]


  • Philippines
  • North America
  • South Korea
  • China
  • Russia
  • Japan
  • Thailand


  1. Freestyle: Street Basketball Global Player Arena tournament teams selected.. September 16, 2010. GamesIndustry International. Retrieved on 2024-02-18.

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