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EDSA Operation 7 map

The EDSA map was included in the live service FPS Operation 7. It is a multiplayer map based on the real-life location of the EDSA-Ortigas interchange in Quezon City, Philippines. It was released in all regional versions of Operation 7, starting with the Philippine server in 2010.


The EDSA map is loosely based on the highway intersection of EDSA and Ortigas Avenue in Quezon City, Philippines. The main battleground is set in the EDSA Shrine quarter of the interchange in front of the Robinsons Galleria shopping mall. Both the Galleria Corporate Center and the Robinsons Equitable Tower skyscrapers can be seen in the background.

It also features blue and yellow colors for the flyover pillars and the pedestrian footbridge, as it was the color scheme of the intersection at the time of the map's release.

The EDSA map was released on the Philippine version on May 27, 2010, on its "Band of Brothers" update, also known as the "EDSA patch".[1]


  1. Operation 7 PH Releases "Edsa Patch". Circa May 2010. Admin. Pinoy Gaming World. Retrieved on 2023-11-17.

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