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Operation 7 PH Releases "Edsa Patch"

Written by: Admin
Publication: Pinoy Gaming World
Date published: Circa May 2010

[Picture: N/A. Text: The EDSA Shrine.]

e-Games released the first part of its Band of Brothers patch, aka "Edsa Patch", for its MMOFPS game Operation 7. Epifanio de los Santos Avenue (EDSA, pronounced ed-sah), formerly known as Highway 54, is the main circumferential road and highway of Metro Manila in the Philippines. It is famous for the People Power Revolution of 1986 that toppled the administration of Ferdinand Marcos after allegations of widespread cheating in the 1986 presidential elections. It sparked the return of democracy in our country.
The rendition of the in-game map of Edsa is awesome with familiar landmarks all over the place. Players would enjoy this map. e-Games even made a short comic about it on their website. :) Here are a few more screenshots of the map:

[Pictures: N/A.]

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