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Dota o Ako featuring Sabrina

Dota o Ako featuring Sabrina is a 2012 cover version of the Filipino song Dota o Ako. It is performed by Aikee Aplacador and Sabrina Orial, with the latter replacing Vanessa Rangadhol from the original version. A sequel to Sabrina's version, entitled Dota o Ako (Part 2), was also produced.

This version of the song was used by Aikee in subsequent appearances until 2021 as Vanessa Rangadhol's contract and schedule prevented her from doing the collaborations.[1]



  1. An Oral History of the Best Dota Song Ever. April 20, 2021 at 3:52 PM. Ash Mahinay. IGN Southeast Asia. Retrieved on 2023-08-28.

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