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Dota o Ako

Dota o Ako is a 2010 Filipino song performed by Aikee Aplacador and Vanessa Rangadhol. It is based on the WarCraft III mod DotA-Allstars. On 2021, Netflix Philippines released Dota at Ako, a sequel song to the original, and was used to promote the streaming series Dota: Dragon's Blood.

A cover version of the Dota o Ako song was produced, which saw Sabrina Orial replacing Vanessa.


Promoting Dota: Dragon's Blood

On March 27, 2021, Netflix Philippines released a music video entitled "Dota at Ako (Dota o Ako: 10 Years After)" to promote the release of the streaming television series Dota: Dragon's Blood. The music video saw Aikee and Vanessa reunite, and concludes the story presented in the original song with updated lyrics.

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