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CONQuest Festival 2017

CONQuest Festival 2017, originally known simply as CONQuest, was a Philippine esports convention organized by ISC Events and Acclaim Computer Center. It was held on December 16 (Saturday), 2017, at the Casa Real de Iloilo, Iloilo City, Iloilo. The event was sponsored by Garena, Twitch, and XSplit. It is the first CONQuest Festival event.

The event was followed by CONQuest Festival 2018.


CONQuest Festival 2017 was originally established as a high school project in Iloilo City. The event had over 700 attendees.[1]

The event hosted the Garena LoL Collegiate League PH Visayan Conference finals. The Studio of Secret6 also participated in the event with a debut map showcase with Project Xandata.[2]


  1. How CONQuest 2023 turned into a nightmare. June 7, 2023 at 6:11 PM. Michelle Lojo. Retrieved on 2024-05-31.
  2. Project Xandata at CONQuest 2017. December 28, 2017. Secret6 team. Secret6 website. Retrieved on 2024-05-31.

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