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Project Xandata at CONQuest 2017

Written by: Secret6 team
Publication: Secret6 website
Date published: December 28, 2017

[Photo: Event photo.]

Iloilo Xandats represent!
Last December 16, we took Project Xandata out for another showcase, this time flying all the way out to CONQuest: the first e-Sports convention in Iloilo! Armed with an all-new map, it was an action-packed day for Project Xandata at Casa Real de Iloilo. Check out the highlights below!

[Photos: Event photos.]

Things started off on a high note when Project Xandata was given an early spot on the main stage. It was the perfect time to show off the latest version of the game in an exhibition match featuring some of the organizers as well as selected audience members. It was a very close match; quite surprising (and impressive!) how quickly the players were able to find their preferred weapons and play styles!

[Photos: Event photos.]

For the rest of the day, the booth was open for free play sessions, where keys for the (recently-concluded) second Closed Beta test, which featured the new map and better queueing along with various balance and quality-of-life changes, were distributed.

It Takes Two (or Three) to Tango
CONQuest 2017 marked the debut of Project Xandata’s new map, currently named Tango, a more confined space designed for 2v2 or 3v3 matches. Smaller space, but no less big on action!

Streams of players lined up for their taste of Project Xandata; it was game after game all the way to the evening! Some players went so far as to organize their own 3-man teams and challenging other teams in between enjoying the various other booths and events at CONQuest. There was no shortage of the competitive spirit in Iloilo, and we were all for it!

None of this would have been possible if not for the continued support of our friends at MSI as well, who provided us with the powerful GE73 Raider gaming notebooks, ensuring nothing but the best Project Xandata experience while we were there. Thank you, MSI!

Kit-anay ta liwat sa sunod!
(That's, see you next time! in Hiligaynon.)

While CONQuest 2017 has ended, the journey for Project Xandata continues as the team works towards creating the first, best, slickest and most competitive first-person shooter by veteran Filipino developers. Again, a huge thank you to Justin, Krizzian and the rest of the ISC for inviting Project Xandata to be a part of your event; MSI for your continued support, and of course to all of our Xandats in Iloilo for the amazing turn-out and explosive response!

For more updates, stay tuned to the official Project Xandata Facebook page.

[Photos: Event photos.]

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