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BeetleRock Inc.

BeetleRock Inc. was a Philippine live service game publisher based in Cebu City. It was responsible for publishing Fairyland in the country. The company operated from 2004 until 2005.

SEC Philippines information

BeetleRock Inc. was registered on May 31, 2004, under the SEC number CS200427395.


BeetleRock was an affiliate of Hong Kong-based company Alta Multimedia and was formed as a local publisher in the second half of 2004 to launch the MMORPG Fairyland in the Philippines. The company acquired the rights to Fairyland in the country after its success with Fairyland Hong Kong.[1]

Games Published


  1. Beetlerock chief enjoys adventures in Fairyland. Circa 2005. Joey Alarilla. Hackenslash. Retrieved on 2023-03-02.

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