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Battle of Immortals

Battle of Immortals is a free-to-play fantasy MMORPG developed by Chinese developer Perfect World. It was published in the Philippines under Cubizone from 2010 until 2013.


The game was Cubinet's first MMORPG title in the country. Its closed beta phase has begun on November 17, 2010.

The game closed down on April 30, 2013.[1] Players were offered migration packages to another Cubizone MMORPG, Forbidden Kingdom Online.[2]


The game was the cover story for the December 2010 issue of GAME! magazine.


  1. BOI PH Cease of Service. April 22, 2013. Battle of Immortals PH GM Team. Battle of Immortals Philippines website. Retrieved on 2023-12-01.
  2. BOI Migration Mechanics. April 22, 2013. Battle of Immortals PH GM Team. Battle of Immortals Philippines website. Retrieved on 2023-12-01.

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