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Barangay Salawag FPS ban hoax

On late January 2015, a fake resolution to ban FPS games in Barangay Salawag, Dasmariñas, Cavite, Philippines began circulating in social media. This came weeks after a real resolution was filed by the barangay to ban DotA in internet cafés.



On January 5, 2015, the Barangay Council of Salawag, Dasmarinas, Cavite passed Resolution 008-S-2015. It is a local law which prohibits Defense of the Ancients from being installed in internet cafés inside the barangay.

The Hoax

On January 25, 2015, a supposedly scanned image of an alleged new resolution, "009-S-2015", began to circulate on social media. The fake resolution states that the barangay had banned the games Point Blank, Cross Fire, and other games of similar nature, from being installed in internet cafés. The resolution cites reasons and penalties similar to the 008-S-2015 resolution.

The image of 009-S-2015 was a photo-edited fake. However, the hoax circulated in social media and was picked up by notable Filipino websites like Esports by,[1] YugaTech,[2] and When In Manila,[3] all of which initially reported the news as real.

Hoax debunked

The hoax was immediately debunked the following day, when Eric Paredes, the barangay captain of Salawag at the time, stated on his Facebook page that the 009-S-2015 resolution is fake.[2][4]


  1. Barangay Council of Salawag Bans First-Person Shooters. January 25, 2015 at 11:52 PM. Esports Inquirer, N. Josef Biola, Earl Guevarra. Esports by Retrieved on 2023-09-23.
  2. Not only DotA: Crossfire, Point Blank banned in Cavite. January 26, 2015, updated January 27 at 12:08 AM. Carl Lamiel. YugaTech. Retrieved on 2023-09-23.
  3. After DOTA, Barangay in Cavite Bans FPS Games. January 27, 2015. WhenInManila. When In Manila. Retrieved on 2023-09-23.
  4. Salawag Chief Warns against Fake Ordinance Banning Shooter Games in Village. January 27, 2015 at 12:53 PM. Juan Carlo Candido "Jucasa" Saquin.. Esports by Retrieved on 2023-09-23.

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