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After DOTA, Barangay in Cavite Bans FPS Games

Written by: WhenInManila
Publication: When In Manila
Date published: January 27, 2015

[Reference note: This is a news article that has not been corrected. This article is misreporting a hoax as real.]

[Picture: Counter-Strike: Global Offensive banner. Text: (Image credit:]

After banning DOTA from computer shops in Barangay Salawag in Dasmarinas, Cavite, the Barangay Council allegedly passed another resolution that bans first person shooter (FPS) games in their area. FPS games are the likes of Counter Strike: Global Offensive (CS:GO) and Crossfire.

According to’s post regarding the ordinance, which is dated January 19, 2015, FPS games are banned from computer shops due to their “bad influence to the youth in the sense that it makes them violent and makes them lie, steal (and possibly kill) so that they can play the game.”

Below is a copy of the said ordinance:

[Picture: Scanned image of a resolution banning FPS games. Text: (Click image to see in full resolution).]

The penalties for violating the ordinance are as follows:

1st offense: One-month suspension of shop
2nd offense: Revocation of business permit
3rd offense: Permanent closure of the shop and shop will never be granted permit

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