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Are you ready for this? -- GPS - GIS Merger, Test your skills against the best in the world

Written by: Iccaro
Publication: Mobius Games forums
Date published: May 29, 2007 at 12:45 PM

mobiusgames in cooperation with Softnyx has agreed to merge GPS to the Gunbound International Service! Pitting you against other pilots from all over the world!

The Final date for the merger is June 1st.

GunBound Philippines will shutdown on May 31st at 10 AM. Only GPS Pilots who have played in the last 4 months will be allowed to merge into Gunbound International Service.

Due to GIS game balance requirements, local GPS avatars were not allowed in GIS. We are happy to announce however that all GPS Pilots who successfully merge into GIS will be gifted a new avatar set and 2 weeks worth of Power User status.

You will still be able to purchase avatars using GIS GB Cash using mobiusonline.

Watch out for more news as this event unfolds!

Notice: Merger date may still change due to technical requirements.

For questions and comments, please feel free to visit this thread:

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