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Written by: e-Club Malaysia author
Publication: e-Club Malaysia Dota 2 subsite
Date published: Circa June 2014

Champion: CAS(Click And Search)
2nd Place: Cns
3rd Place: MSI Evolution Gaming Team

Playoff Finalists:
MSI Evolution Gaming Team
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TNC Gaming welcomes the School Year with a bang as Action-RTS greets the students this June for the GameX-TNC Gaming Cup 2014 Dota 2 Division June Leg.

It’s the same old habit with a new challenge as TNC Gaming opens up the invitation to both aspiring and professional Dota 2 teams from all over the Philippines in a quest to take the June Crown. This event will be an all-online, play anywhere affair and will be featuring a Php 20,000.00 Prize Pool and will, again, grant the top finalists points which will be applied for the National Rankings.

Point System for Rankings

Champion – 15 Points
1st Runner Up – 10 Points
2nd Runner Up – 6 Points
3rd Runner Up – 4 Points
4th Runner Up onwards – 2 Points
General Information

Date: June 8, Sunday 12 Noon Call Time

Game used: DOTA 2 (Steam version)
Competition method: 5 versus 5 (Team play, 5 players per team)
Game mode: Captain’s Mode (CM)
Sides: (Radiant / Dire; Ban first) will be announced before the match or decided by a coin toss, in general instances teams who are in the upper part of the match bracket will be placed as the radiant side
Victory condition: The first team to destroy the other team’s ancient (main building) wins the game.
Backdoor (attacking enemy structures without any allied creeps) is allowed
Call time: 12 Noon – 1 PM (Check in Period)
Actual Tournament Start: 1 PM

Tournament Format
Elimination Round – Round Robin, Top 2 teams in each group advances to Playoffs
Playoffs – Single Elimination

Registration Details

Step 1. Post on the comment section (of the article) with the following format:
Team Name:Team Members: (tag members)
Mobile Number: (SMART/TNT/SUN only)

Step 2. Convert a minimum of Php115 Smart, Sun or Talk ‘N Text load to any GameX ePins. Check this link for more info –
*Convert your load here:
*Only one member needs to convert their prepaid/postpaid load to register his team.

Step 3. Register your team using the Smart/TNT/Sun Mobile Number only with the following format, and sent it to 09995733546

TNC Gaming – Dota 2 – Team Name – EPins Purchase (Validation Code and PIN)

Step 4. Once done with all the steps, join the Official TNC Gaming Dota 2 Facebook group for further announcements (check-ins, match report etc.. will be done in this group).

Who will take part in this journey to the top? Who will rise up to the challenge and take home the crown? Ladies and gents, buckle up and get ready as the June Leg of the GameX-TNC Gaming Cup 2014 Dota 2 Division comes your way!

e sure to tune in to and TNC Gaming’s Official Facebook Page and Twitter for more hot eSports updates.

Are you an eSports enthusiast? Do you have what it takes or is willing to take what it gives… then send us an application to


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