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Kilay Guild shines at the Gunbound World Championship!

Written by: Gamer
Publication: Philippine Online Games
Date published: December 28, 2006 at 5:15 PM

Congratulations to Kilay Guild for joining the recently concluded GNGWC 2006 Gunbound World Championship and winning 5th place overall!

Kilay Guild, composed of Diana Karen Cruz (dianne), Jhomar Geronimo (l4EverBluel) and Ricky Chen (xpac101), joined 11 other teams from other countries on September 23, 2006 for the Gunbound World Championship in Suwon, South Korea.

The GNGWC 2006 Gunbound World Championship, supported by the Korea IT Industry Promotion Agency (KIPA), was joined by over 80 countries with 900,000 users who joined the online Grand prix. A total of 33 players from 11 countries (Korea, USA, Canada, Philippines, Indonesia, Vietnam, Germany, Singapore, Japan, Peru) gathered in South Korea for the Grand Final match.

The players from Vietnam emerged 1st World Champions after going through group league and semifinal tournament matches and won $10,000.

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