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Successfully Launches MU Online The No.1 Classical Hardcore MMORPG Games In SEA

Written by: Asiasoft newsletter author
Publication: Circa late March 2023
Date published: Asiasoft newsletter

[Picture: MU Online banner.]

PlayPark and Webzen Inc., recently brought back a legendary MMORPG to Southeast Asia which received overwhelmingly positive reception. The PCCU grew more than 216% in just 3 weeks after the commercial launch last 26 March 2020. Two additional servers were launched in the 2nd and 3rd week after the commercial date.

With a big group of loyal community for MU in Thailand and Phillipines, they have gathered the largest player base in SEA. With Playpark’s long experiences in publishing MMORPG games and strong user-base; it has pushed MU to become a talk of the town within a short period.

[Picture: MU Online screenshot.]

MU Online, a PC-based MMORPG, was re-launched in Southeast Asian countries (Thailand, Singapore, Indonesia, Malaysia, and the Philippines) under Closed Beta Testing on 10 March 2020 and Open Beta on 26 March 2020. The veteran MU communities in these countries have welcomed MU’s comeback with open arms.

There is a growing clamor for “classic” or legacy games within various gaming communities and MU is one of the titles that gamers strongly recall in MMORP. Webzen Inc. with its prominent influence and PlayPark’s offices in SEA which provided localised support to gamers and their concerns contributed to the success of the game.

The teams in the different regions provide community-centered engagement. Moderators and Game Masters, who are very passionate in playing PlayPark MU, allow them to provide quality personalized support and service to the MU community. All of these points have proven PlayPark MU’s success and it is ready to be the #1 classical hardcore MMORPG game in Southeast Asia.

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