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Better design, better service

Written by: The Amped Team
Publication: Amped website
Date published: August 17, 2010 at 10:08 PM

What's new with the Amped Website?

Amped unveils both a better design and interface for its official website!

Website visitors can now browse through both the old and new games of Amped in its new design. The games are sprawled across the large slider on top of the site which can lead you to each of its official websites. If you want to download the client/installer, you can click the “downloads” link on top of the site or the thumbnails in the game list under the slider.

There is also a new system for account registering. Simply provide us your desired username, email, password, secret question and answer and you’re done! Don’t forget to apply for an Amped VIP membership after registering.

Transferring credits are now easier with the better account page design. When you login your account, the credit denominations will be neatly arranged according to the games and its currency. You may choose to hide the game (and its denominations) you don’t play to avoid confusion.

Step by step procedures on how users can address their concerns are also included in the Help / Customer Support section in the site. There are also guidelines on how to buy Casual Games, join the Amped VIP, locate Amped Prepaid Cards and so on.

As always, players are encouraged to visit to know the latest news, announcements and events on the new games of Amped and its current games WarRock and Tantra.

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