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BlizzCon:North American Qualifiers Philippine Representatives' VISAs Denied!

Written by: LighT
Date published: October 1, 2014

Two local eSports dreams were shattered once again as Philippine's representative to the BlizzCon Qualifiers in New Yok got their VISAs denied.

Chalk "Chalk" Zaldivar and Euniel "Staz" Javiñas appear to have been denied of US visas for next week's Blizzcon North American Qualifiers, which will take place on October 4 and 5.

Chalk and Staz' dreams of playing for the $250,000 prize-pool Hearthstone tournament in Blizzcon were cut short as they won't be able to play for the North American qualifier. Chalk and Staz qualified to the second phase of the North American qualifiers after they topped the first phase of the qualifiers.

Staz said that they've tried twice to secure their VISAs but they still failed. He said that during their first try, they were denied due to their lack of ties and reasons to come back here in the Philippines. On their second try, Both players got the backing of Blizzard but the embassy still denied both players' VISA applications.

This is not the first time a player's dream were shattered by VISA applications. Fans will remember that StarCraft's EnDerr failed to compete during the 2011's World Cyber Games after his South Korean Visa was denied.

According to Staz, They were already informed that their slots will be replaced by the players next on their ranks.

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