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隔牆有耳:冷血射警 game被鬧爆

Written by: Apple Next Digital author
Publication: Apple Next Digital (Hong Kong)
Date published: August 25, 2010

[Reference note: The text below has been machine-translated from Traditional Chinese. See the reference snapshot for the original text.]

[Title] Walls Have Ears: The game of cold-blooded police shooting exploded

What is it about building happiness on the pain of others? The latest example is a free computer game released after the tragedy in which people in Hong Kong were kidnapped in the Philippines. A policeman pops up on a Contai tour bus. The game player uses the mouse to "shoot" the policeman. This game As soon as he came out on the street, he was criticized by netizens, who criticized the game's author for being boring, cold-blooded and doing things without thinking.
This flash game that I believe not many Hong Kong people are interested in playing is called Bus Hostage by Policeman. It is a "masterpiece" of netizen keybol. As soon as the game was released, it became a topic of discussion among netizens. Instead of praising it for being fun, netizens debated whether it is easy to play or not. Adegheiz described the game as terrible, saying that Keybol should not turn a bloody tragedy into a game, and hoped that Keybol would delete it as soon as possible.

The author argues that it helps people vent their anger

Another netizen, Webst0r, questioned that this game is too inhumane. "So many innocent people have died. It's hard to imagine how the family members of the deceased would react when they see this game."
Keybol, the author of the game, argued that this game was just to help everyone vent their anger, simulating the shooting of a gunman. It was about rescuing the hostages when the government was helpless. You can tell it all, and Bafang thinks it's really outrageous.

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