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Chalk, Staz win Philippines Qualifier for HS BlizzCon 2014

Written by: ericcc (Eric James Valmonte)
Date published: August 22, 2014 at 1:00 PM

Last weekend, the Philippines have finally selected their tributes! After a rigorous day of card-slinging action against fellow Pinoy Hearthstone competitors, Chalk and Staz have defeated their opponents, kArNaGe and yaJ respectively, to advance as the Philippine representatives to the Americas Qualifier for HS BlizzCon2014! Both match-ups were dominant performances by the champions as both managed to take 3-0 victories against their opponents.

Chalk (3) - (0) kArNaGe

For our first grand finals, it was Chalk who rises up to the occassion as he showcases the resurgence of Midrange Hunter into the meta together with Naxxramas cards. He was able to 3-0 kArNaGe despite playing against his variation of a Midrange Hunter, Control Warrior and his High-curve Paladin. It was even clear that Chalk was suffering lag issues though he still managed to win. Not bad for his first ever tournament, right?

Staz (3) - (0) yaJ

On this series, it was yaJ who was suffering lag issues and it massively affected perhaps his biggest match of his career. On the first series where he played his Shaman against Staz's Rogue, he was burning ropes and skipping turns which clearly gave him a huge disadvantage. His connection issues got fixed but yaJ choosing to play a Zoolock against a Rogue was clearly not the best match-up for a comeback. In the third, it was a mirror Rogue match but yaJ's unorthodox "Token Rogue" surprised many. Staz was down board control in the beginning but he still managed to win with a double Shadowstep-Leeroy combo. Staz proves that Rogues are still viable in tournaments despite the Loatheb meta we have today.

As for the decklist, they will be released after the Americas Qualifier even though deck change is allowed.

For both players, the entire Philippine Hearthstone community wishse you goodluck in the upcoming qualifiers. May you put Philippines in the Hearthstone map as you show them how we do it in the Philippines!

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