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Goodbye MU philippines

Written by: gallagher23 (reposter)
Publication: Internet Café Philippines forum
Date published: November 16, 2011 at 3:04 AM

[Reference note: Forum poster reposted the news from an official source. Thanks for reposting, gallagher23.]

Dear MUtizens,

December 2004 marked the month MU Philippines went live. Afterward the first two servers of Maya and Wiggle were merged to form Titan community, the server where Philippine players migrated to directly from Global. Bahr was the server of choice for those who wanted to start anew, and Muren was the commercial test server. Then came the Castle Siege patch in the second half of 2005. This game feature would be a game changer and to this day a source of competition and animosity between rival guilds. In the middle of 2007, MU Philippines saw Season 2, also known as the Crywolf patch. Soon after, Ion server was born. In September 2008, the three worlds of Titan, Bahr and Ion collided to form Tarh. Almost two months later, Rance, the first free-to-play, server went live. In September 2009, MU Philippines received its first major update when Season 4 was released in our servers. It introduced so many different dynamics like 3rd Wings, 3rd job classes, socket weapons and armor and a new class, the Summoner. In March 2011, Season 5 was released with it's new faction system.

There have been many events and changes over the years. Some that were disappointing and some that quickened the spirit of the game. Change will always be synonymous with a game that has aged well over the years. With that said, it is with a heavy heart that we bring you the latest news about MU Philippines. The licensing contract was up for renewal in August 2011.

Mobius was contacting Webzen before the expiration for contract renewal for the same terms like it has been for the past three (3) years. Webzen replied and sent outrageous terms, far different from the previous three (3) years. They have since not backed down from their bargaining posture and refuse to lesser terms after months of negotiations and given that MU is a 7-year old game with so many more other games in the market place.

Sadly, they have stopped negotiating and have demanded the closure of MU PH. MU PH will close eventually, but the time table for that is not yet set. We will do the MU community justice and keep the game up and running for as long as we can. When the actual time table is set, we will announce it through official channels.

On another note, we have been working with our other partner games for benefits and packages for our loyal MU Community. There will be several packages offered across different games like DDTank, Battle of Immortals and several others. Please stay tuned for further announcements of these packages.

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