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EGiPlay 2010 minisite

Written by: EagleGame Philippines website author
Publication: EagleGame Philippines website
Date published: Circa 2010

EagleGame International Ltd. rallies a successful take off!

But this is only the beginning…

September 4, 2010 marks the first of the much-awaited big events of EagleGame in celebration of HIGHSTREET5’s 2nd Anniversary and RAPPELZ’ Launch Party. It was held in at the StarMall Edsa Shaw TradeHall- E.G.I-Play 2010.

The initial blast was overwhelmingly supported by the active and vibrant community of HighStreet5 and Rappelz. Mr. Alex Crisano, a famous basketball player and hunk, graced the said event.

Avid gamers nationwide came and received a special treat as they bore witness of the genuine talent and creativity of players in the Ultimate Dance Contest, Fashion Show, Couple Dating Game and of course free plays.

The biggest tournaments of the year were also served in hot plates. The dance floor was set ablaze as HighStreet5 highlights the tournaments, Versus Royale (1v1) and Group Sync. Furthermore, intensity was set afire with Rappelz’ Abhuva Boss Challenge (BTA) and Battlegrounds (5v5).

Champions were declared at the end of the event.

Adding to the fervor is the debut of the rising “legends”. The first fifteen players to reach Level 100 of each class received recognition, free in-game items and an official EGI-Play 2010 certificate.

Sponsors Red Fox, Starmall, My Phone, My Screen, My Destiny, Wow FM!101.7 and Magic 89.9 also gave their share of prizes. [2] Two TV81 Duo and [1] Swarovski Duo were given away.

With no sweat, participants won HighStreet5 and Rappelz merchandises, cards and other exciting freebies.

This is a bash that has truly exceeded the expectations of its organizers. The team would like to extend its thanks to all the participants for their much-appreciated support.

Again, we hope to see you in December for another milestone in the Philippine gaming industry!!!

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